Hendrix – Modern & Responsive Tumblr Theme (Blog)

Hendrix, a highly customizable, feature rich and aesthetically beautiful single column theme by all standards. Built for artists, creatives, personal and corporate content creators.

Our themes are backed by 1 on 1 support readily available via our support center ( @ https://artisticinfluence.ticksy.com/ ) and theme updates. Quite frequently we provide CSS support for our current themes, if there are any minor adjustments you need to make to the theme, we are always happy to go the extra mile and provide CSS snippets for you to copy and paste.

Customization List:


-Header image(or none) -Single Post Page Background -About me image -Avatar -Avatar shape -Tagegory images 1-4


-Load more button -Auto-infinite scroll

Social Feeds

-Instagram -Instagram feed count -Instagram feed title -Twitter -Twitter feed title -Tumblr recent likes -Tumblr recent likes title -Facebook -Pinterest


-Header Background Color -Header Avatar Border Color -Background Color -Body Text Color -Linked Text Color -Top Bar Background Color -Top Bar Text Color -Post Content Color Accent -Post Background Color -Sidebar Background Color -Sidebar Text Color -Sidebar Title Background Color -Sidebar Title Text Color -Sidebar Follow Button Color -Sidebar Follow Text Color -Link Post Button Text Color -Link Post Button Background Color -Tagegories Box Color -Tagegories Tag Text Color -Load More Button Color -Footer Text Color -Loading Screen Bar Color -Loading Screen Background Color -Single Post Page Accent Color

Customizable Text

-Menu Tags 1-8 -Tagegory tags 1-4 -Customizable menu item labels (home, ask, submit post, archive, email me, about me, social links, social feeds and recent likes) -Banner/advertisement code for sidebar -Footer text message -Pre loader message -Sidebar about me title and content

Custom Fonts

-Blog title -Body text -Sizes & font weights Use both Tumblr or any Google font with over 500+ fonts available, this theme has google font integration, meaning you can pick any of the hundreds of fonts fromhttps://www.google.com/fonts and use them in your theme for free. Just pick the font you like, copy and paste a link and thats it!

Hide/Show and On/Off options

-Enable Google fonts -Infinite Scroll -Center Align Post Text -Hide header Avatar -Hide about me section -Hide follow me section -Hide social links section -Hide RSS -Hide recent likes feed -Hide facebook comments -Hide pages in menu -Hide tags in menu -Hide Tagegories -Force full width photo posts -Force full width text posts images

Comment Systems

Disqus Facebook

Social network Links

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, VK, Youtube, Vine, Pinterest, Vimeo, Flickr, DeviantArt, Dribble, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stumbleupon, Behance, Linkedin.

Google Analytics

If you love data and have google analytics, just copy and paste your tracking ID into the provided text area and get analytical data for your blog.

Have any questions ?

Visit the Artistic Influence support site for any pre or post purchase support by clicking here. :)

Recent update notes:

V1.3.1 – Update targeting post tags. Previously post tags would overflow post container when using large amount of tags. Now tags simply drop to a new line.

V1.3: – Added third font family option for post titles leading to better aesthetics and improved readability

– Adjusted hover animations for more user friendly experience by removing unnecessary animations on selected elements

– Adjusted hover animations for selected text elements for a more consistent experience. Only text elements that need hover animations now animate

– Fixed positioning issue with photo lightbox’s where photo’s where vertically photo’s were not being placed in the center of the lightbox

v1.2 – Header tag is now wrapped in a div rather than a tag

– Removed hover animation from header avatar

– Added smooth scrolling for nicer feel when scrolling through pages



Theme Author: Artistic_Influence
Creation Date: 2017-05-20T16:50:42+10:00
Last Update: 2017-06-13T11:29:26+10:00

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